Tuesday 11 December 2012

5th Month

Mommy and I are in the middle of our 2nd trimester. Mommy is doing well now. No more morning sickness. No more sensitive smell. She can also eat now without vomiting afterwards or even the feeling of it. She’s also feeling a bit energetic now. She has started taking the bus and train to work. Before, she used to take the cab every morning to work (which is very expensive) because she gets very tired easily.

I am also doing fine. My second trimester screening last week was okay. The results showed that Mommy had a low-lying placenta, but when we had our regular check-up with Dr Ng last Saturday, she said that it’s not low-lying anymore. She was quite happy with how Mommy and I are both doing. She added that as I grow bigger, the placenta will move up, so nothing to worry about. Mommy and I will still be careful especially that we will be travelling to Bangkok by the end of this month for our regular family overseas trip. 

My movements are also getting noticeable by Mommy. Hendrik also tried to feel my movements. One time, Mommy held his hand and placed it on her belly. I tried my best to make contact with him and I succeeded! Hendrik felt my movements, but he doesn’t want to feel it again. He was quite afraid. =) Maybe later on when my movements are very distinct and strong, he won’t be afraid anymore.

~~~ end ~~~