Sunday 4 May 2014

1st Birthday

It has been a month since I turned 1 year old. We were supposed to have my first birthday party on my actual birthday on Saturday, 5th of April 2014, at our new house but renovation was still not finished. It also rained on my birthday so we were not able to do the planned outdoor photo shoot with my brother Hendrik. I had a quick photo shoot inside our empty old bedroom. And oh, I loved my cake and I loved it even more that they allowed me to devour it the way I wanted to! =P 

Although we didn’t have a party on that day we still celebrated my first birthday at our new house with 2 of our very closest friends, Tita Claire and Tito Edwin who came all the way from Penang, Malaysia. Actually, Daddy forgot to inform him that my birthday party was postponed to the following Saturday, 12 April 2014. =) We had pizza dinner and a nice time with our dear friends.

Days leading to my party Mommy and Daddy were pushing the contractor to finish the renovation works. But, as luck would have it, renovation was still not 100% finish and Mommy and Daddy were already very stressed out with the contractors because they were so slow in their work. Mommy and Daddy had indicated at the start that we would need to move-in to our new house by end of March; at the end of the 4th week. At that point in time, it had been 6 weeks since they started the renovation works and 2 weeks delayed from our planned move-in/completion date.

Finish or not finish we still pushed through with my Mustache Bash as my 1st birthday party theme:

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Thursday 1 May 2014

11 Months

Last 05 March 2014 I turned 11 months. We were all - I mean Mommy and Daddy were very busy because this was the time that we have started renovation for our new house. Yes, my family bought a house and Mommy and Daddy were very busy packing things as well as doing the necessaries for the renovation.

At 11 months, I have become more active and mobile. I can already walk on my own.

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