Sunday 29 September 2013

5th month

A few days after we celebrated my 5th month on 05 September 2013, Mommy saw me rolling over from my back to my tummy to my back again. More than a week later, I started to lift myself up, like having arm push-ups. 3 weeks after, my mobility has improved a lot since I learned to move around by dragging myself to get and reach for Hendrik’s toys and other stuff that interest me. Mommy thinks that next to this is crawling, although I like it very much when Mommy supports my body and try to make me stand up. I think it’s more fun to stand up than crawling, but it is still too early, eh? Mommy also finds it very difficult to give me a bath since I move a lot in the bath tub now, thus splashing the water all over the place and all over Mommy’s shirt. I like warm water very much and I love my bath time! I also look forward to washing my hands and face with warm water when Mommy gets home from work late in the evening.

~ Mac user *_* ~

I also try my best to talk - or more exactly to babble to my family. I babble and sometimes I squeal with delight. I also get excited sometimes and I usually show this by stiffening my arms and legs. I don’t smile and laugh much though. Mommy and Daddy think that I am a serious type. But, I do smile when I am in a good mood, especially in the morning after sleeping through the night. I also smile when Daddy comes home from work. He will usually try very hard and make his best effort to make me smile. I also smile and laugh when Hendrik plays with me. He is a very good brother although I make him cry sometimes because he is afraid of my loud cry. I like to touch Mommy’s and Hendrik’s face when we play. Mommy loves me very much because she doesn’t mind if my saliva gets all over her face and shirt whenever we play or when she is carrying me. I am also being nice to people who greets me in church. I smile and sometimes babble to them. Whenever I am in a good mood, I also let them carry me and play with me.

~ 5 months 2 weeks old ~

~~~ end ~~~